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Saturday, 22 December 2012
Potted Shrimp: Chocolate and amaretto mousse with Hazelnut biscot...
Potted Shrimp: Chocolate and amaretto mousse with Hazelnut biscot... : One of my last exams at college was to create a 3-course meal for 4 ...
Chocolate and amaretto mousse with Hazelnut biscotti.
One of my last exams at college was to create a 3-course meal for 4 people all for under £25. By the time I’d priced up for the...
Friday, 31 August 2012
Chicken Shawarma and Pitas
Bored of BBQ’ing burgers and sausages? The answer is ‘probably not’ but, if you fancy trying something different this summ...
Tuesday, 7 August 2012
Spiced Mackerel & Harissa Couscous
A s part of our exams last term at college, we had to produce a three-course meal for four people - all for just £8.50 and cook it in le...
Monday, 23 July 2012
Flaky pastry
Ingredients: 300g of plain flour, sieved. 1tsp of salt. 75g of lard chilled 75g of butter chilled. 165ml cold water. Weigh the...
Cornish steak and ale Pasty
Back from another summer break in Cornwall on the Helford River, and a rather wet one it was too. Up until now we’ve been extremely ...
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
The Pastry Tart
As satisfying as it can be to execute good pastry, it is at the same time, I’m sure, the most bloody infuriating food t...
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